How a Dude's Facial Hair Affects Your Odds of Having a Relationship with Him
When it comes to judging how
hot you think a guy is, facial hair probably
isn't one of those things you
spend a lot of time obsessing over.
But, according to new research, a dude’s
facial fuzz may play
a bigger role than you think.
The study, published in the
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, found that we’re more
into guys with beards
when we’re looking for a long-term relationship.
For the study, researchers
showed more than 8,500 women computer-generated
images of male faces. The
images had a variety of facial hair—none, a light stubble,
a heavy stubble, and
full-on beards. Researchers also altered the guy’s brow ridge,
cheekbones, jawline,
and other features to make the same guy appear more or less
masculine. Then,
they asked women to rate the attractiveness of the images
for different types
of relationships.
isn't one of those things you spend a lot of time obsessing over.
a bigger role than you think.

into guys with beards when we’re looking for a long-term relationship.
images of male faces. The images had a variety of facial hair—none, a light stubble,
a heavy stubble, and full-on beards. Researchers also altered the guy’s brow ridge,
cheekbones, jawline, and other features to make the same guy appear more or less
masculine. Then, they asked women to rate the attractiveness of the images
for different types of relationships.

How a Dude's Facial Hair Affects Your Odds of Having a Relationship with Him
Reviewed by BWGBlogger
8:00:00 PM

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